2014 Fundraising is underway!

We have our team for Costa Rica. Each is ready to serve.

The Costa Rica Mission Team

The Costa Rica Mission Team

Our fundraising goals are ambitious but with your help we’re confident we can reach them.  When all is said and done, we need to raise $18,050 to make our goal.

This year we have an incredible opportunity to make it easy to donate by credit or debit card through GoFundMe.com.  We would be grateful if you would consider sponsoring one student for a day ($40) or 1/2 a day ($20).  Simply click the link below, choose one student on our “wish list,” and follow the prompts…

If you prefer to make a tax-deductible contribution by check our money order, we’re pleased to let you know you can.  The Diocese of Fort-Wayne/South Bend has generously agreed to accept donations on our behalf and will issue a tax-deduction letter upon receipt of your contribution.  Please mail your check (payable to “Franciscan Brothers Minor” with “Catholics on a Mission” in the memo field) to:

Dave MacDonald
Catholics on a Mission
Re: (student’s name)
2200 Lake Avenue, Suite 120
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

Thank you for your support again this year! We’re grateful to have you help us as we help them.

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